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It was a cool Sunday afternoon when, suddenly, the exciting beat of Lion Troupe's cymbals awakened Holland Village from its afternoon nap. The 8th Oct was indeed an auspicious day. It marked the birth of Noble Purple Jewellery and watches.

Hongkong Beauty Queen & Celebrity, Ms Catleigh Hung, the Founder and CEO, was a radiant sight to behold. The Grand Opening of Noble Purple Jewellery and watches was attended by many eminent guests who witnessed the cutting of ribbon and dotting of the lion's Eyes by Catleigh and her Guests of Honour, Prof Leo Tan, Director of The Institute of Education and Mrs Linda Soo-Tan, President of Ikebana International, Singapore Chapter 135.

It was a most glittery and spectacular event, memories of which will continue be cherished by all for years to come.